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Jun 6, 2008

Shopping, fashion creates unseen problems

As the fashion season changes every few months, it is difficult to fathom how the piles of unsold merchandise get disposed of and whether everything that is passe will have a new leash of life elsewhere.

Indulging the guilty pleasure of shopping also conceals the fact that most people are not aware as to where the clothes originate from, what is the cost price of making them and how the clothing industry can remain sustainable when retail outlets located on prime land pay exorbitant rent prices.

It only boils down to simple economics. The mass market of consumers are ready to fork out the dough as long as they have the means and it keeps them satisfied. Guilty pleasure, is indeed found to be very guilty, because it entails being ignorant to the mechanisms of the business and not even being consicious as to what drives the whole process and industry.

Great Singapore Sale is indeed great, in that it is one big cover up. Enjoy.

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