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Jun 12, 2008

Case to be made against excessive use of plastic

The main crux of the against excessive use of plastic bag argument is not so much about whether Singapore treats its waste by dumping or incinerating them. Even though Singapore gets rid of majority of its waste by burning them and then followed by burying the ashes, to use plastic bags excessively because we can appears to be a tad unwise.

Humans are by nature habitual creatures. If they can choose to act in a certain way over a period of time, their actions would become naturalise to the point that behaving in a certain way is a given.

The message that Singapore and its inhabitants should be sending is that we are treating the resources of the Earth with value and respect. And without much natural resources of our own to extract, it is fairly obvious that our basic survival is dependent on countries that do the extracting on behalf of us.

That in itself should be a valuable case in point and also a salient lesson to learn.

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